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Friday, April 8, 2011

Noro Armwarmer Pattern

Noro Armwarmer Pattern
By Antidaeophobia 
(Copyright 2011; Do not resell this pattern or finished armwarmer. For personal use only)

Knitter’s Note:
This is a very easy pattern to do and is easy to correct should you make a mistake as well as for beginners of double point needles and round needles. I prefer to begin this pattern on straight needles single ended. I have a hard time casting onto DPN needles with my arthritis and this way to start would also be helpful for new knitters

#6 Single Point Needles
#6 DPN or Round Needles
2 small needles or 1 stitch holder
1 Skein of Noro yarn (Kureyon, Furisode, Chirimen or Taiyo)
1 12in piece of scrap yarn (different color)
1 crochet hook

DPN- Double Point Needles
RND- Round Needles
K- Knit +number followed (Knit 36 = K36)
P-Purl +number followed (Purl 36 = P36)
K2tog- Knit 2 together
Inc- Increase by + number followed (Increase 2= Inc2)

~Start with straight needles~
Cast on 36
Row 1-6: K36 all
(Switch to DPN needles. Stitch two unconnected ends together to enclosed circle.)
Row 7-8: Knit all
Row 9: K20 (tie off yarn) (tie on scrap yarn) K8 (tie off scrap yarn- Remember this will be removed later.) (Retie on original yarn and finish row)
Row 10-22: K36
Row 23: K11, Inc1, K11, Inc1, K14 =38
Row 26-29: Knit all
Row 32: K13, Inc1, K12, Inc1, K13 =40
Row 33-36: Knit all
(Continue with 2 increases every 5 rows if needed for thicker arms.)
Row 37-42: Knit all
Row 43: Purl All
Row 44: Knit All
(Repeat rows 44 & 45 till row 48)
(Bind off and cut yarn)
(Turn arm warmer inside out- Remove scrap yarn from thumb and place even amount of stitches on the 2 small needles or stitch holder to prevent dropped stitches. Bind off stitches with crochet hook and colored yarn)
Bind off thumb yarn and you now have your new arm warmer- ready to wear and warm for your wrists.
{Repeat pattern for second armwarmer}

Washing Instructions:
To take the itchiness down on your Kureyon yarn I recommend hand washing and letting them soak in Woolite™. Roll in a towel to dry completely.
If you have skin sensitivity like I do then I'd recommend using some Noro™ Taiyo© or Furisode© which are mostly cotton and silk instead of the Kureyon© which is 100% wool.