Antidaeophobia Wants You!

To join her minions!
By checking out my World Domination blog you have expressed your interest in my projects and chronic nerdiness.
Here you'll find stories, fangirling, art, punkiness, advice, free patterns and ideas for all sorts of unique crafts that you can use to support me in world domination.
If you wish to support me further, and love the blog please join my minions and help me by; commenting, sending me awesome craft patterns, geeking out with me or presenting topics to discuss.

Live Long & Prosper
Become a minion, send your support or even just send some recommendations.

Friday, September 6, 2013

I figure I ought to start making some money off my knitting addiction. When you start finishing a pair of socks or mittens every other day, you start building up a lot of projects that you wonder- why did I knit this, I can't wear these mens size 10 socks! or WTF am I going to do with baby socks, I don't have a baby.
So I'm signing up for some craft fairs and have been busy making other products. I'm hoping to turn this into a full time business since a normal job just isn't my thing- plus they want me to dye my hair to a normal colour (what is normal!) apparently normal isn't pink and purple.
I'll have fun scarves, little knitted toys and all sorts of other accessories (pics to come). Until then check out my pony hats, I'll have pony hats and other brony accessories available for purchase as well.

Check back for more pics and a running schedule of where I'll be and what I'll have available.
Live Long and Propser,