Antidaeophobia Wants You!

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Here you'll find stories, fangirling, art, punkiness, advice, free patterns and ideas for all sorts of unique crafts that you can use to support me in world domination.
If you wish to support me further, and love the blog please join my minions and help me by; commenting, sending me awesome craft patterns, geeking out with me or presenting topics to discuss.

Live Long & Prosper
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

No More SOCKS!!!

Finished a hat, mittens, half a scarf and some socks...also I'm working on my pinup girl calender. I'm trying desperately to finish it all before Christmas.  My friend loved her hat but the 6 pairs of socks I'm knitting are driving me crazy to finish as the needles are so damn small.
In more awesome new I dyed my hair- it's such a beautiful color of atomic pink


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Knittin' Fool -gift making

Finally buckling down and starting to finish/start making my gifts for people this Winter Solstice; this includes a jacket for my floppy eared long legged baby hound Abe. Halfway finished with my best friends hat.
I promise to post all of my patterns as soon as I can so other might find them of use for the holidays. Until then I came across a couple nice toy patterns I'm going to work on and hope you enjoy them to. I can't wait to finish and see the looks on there faces when they get there gifts.


My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (I love Ponies! Ponies kick ass!)
Fantastic Mr. Fox Hat (I hope to make this in a baby size soon)
Dalek Extermiknit
Adipose Fat Baby (I've made one which is adorable, finishing a second and will start a third soon)
Totoro Toy

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"I Don't Have Time For This Bullshit" Fried Ice cream recipe

^ Fried Icecream attempt ^

Yes, this is exactly what I said when making my fried ice cream.I hated the waiting, I hated the mess and I hated having to use the oil. So I decided to make a much similar, still tasty version that wouldn't take all bloody day to work on and wouldn't have questionable results.

Here is my version that takes 5 min and tastes better than the fried version I made and looks the same. So here is my...

"I Don't Have Time For This Bullshit" Fried Ice Cream Recipe

1 cup of Cornflakes (Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Special K or Chex)
Vanilla Ice Cream
Ground Cinnamon
Chocolate Syrup (or Strawberry)
Rainbow Sprinkles

Scoop a large portion of ice cream into a bowl. Crush the cereal into small pieces and dump on top of ice cream. Mix into ice cream quickly before it melts. Sprinkle some ground cinnamon on top. Drizzle some chocolate syrup on the ice cream. Add some sprinkles for good measure.

5 min recipe, a few ingredients and most importantly it didn't take all day to make.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Work In Progress

I saw my therapist today about my depression and she's insisting that I finally get treatment for my PTSD. She's always disagreed with my choice of refusing medication for my mental health. She doesn't understand why I accept medication for my chronic severe lung problems and take that seriously but not my mental health.
I suppose you can only live with the "get over it" attitude for so long when you have depression before you finally have to accept more then just talk therapy and start using some medication as well.
It's hard for a logical mind (sorry, Spock moment) like myself to accept that I'm not fully in control of my own brain.
I'm busying myself with knitting in preparation for this winter and that's keeping me focused; unfortunately my sketching is suffering from my mood.
On other topic I will post up pictures of the Kochoran hat and how cute it is. I'm really quite proud I finished my first hat (I have plenty half finished ones LOL) Now I have about 15 other projects to work on :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Kochoran Winter Hat

Kochoran Hat
By Antidaeophobia
(Copyrighted 2011; Do no resell this pattern or finished product. Pattern is for person use only)

Knitter Note:
For this project I used a round needle. I wanted the hat to have a tight weave and a looser fit. Also long enough it could completely over my ears when brim was rolled down. You could of course reduce your stitches and use a larger gauge if you wanted a wider weave but I prefer my hats to be warm.

#7 DPN or Round Needles
1-2 Skeins of Kochoran Yarn

DPN- Double Point Needles
RND- Round Needles
K- Knit +number followed (Knit 36 = K36)
P-Purl +number followed (Purl 36 = P36)
K2tog- Knit 2 together
* - Repeat action


Cast on 100 stitches (110 for looser fit)

*Row 1: K2, P2

(Repeat Row 1 until piece measures 3” inches)

*Row 2: Kall

(Repeat Row 2 until entire piece measures 6” inches)

Row 3: *K6, K2tog (repeat to end of round)

Row 4: Knit all

Row 5: *K2, K2tog (repeat to end of round)

Row 6: Knit all

Row 7: Knit all

Row 8: Knit all

Row 9: *K1, K2tog (repeat to end of round)

Row 10: Knit all

Row 11: *K2tog (repeat to end of round)

Row 12: Knit all

Row 13: *K2tog (repeat to end of round)

(Thread yarn through all stitches and pull tight to close. Secure yarn and thread inside and cut excess)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting Screwed- The Un-Fun way

Having a stressful time and my depression is giving me a hard time. I considered having myself admitted again since my need to cut myself and feelings of wanted to commit suicide have spiked. I know that little use would come of it considering nothing changes after I'm out in my home life and I cannot take the medication for depression due to the side effects and interactions with my other meds.
 Like most of the time it's triggered by my feelings of being an absolute failure in my life, that I should be farther along in my school and more successful by now. Knowing that I'm 22yrs old and should be graduated by now and becoming so frustrated and scared that time is slipping away and my progress is moving so slowly. Sometimes it seems like the entire world is conspiring to make sure I never succeed. I seem to carry a curse that eventually ruins any good going on in my life.
I'm still working to get back into school after several dismal years of failure. I cringe at the thought of how much money I've lost and have to repay to my grandparents and great aunt and uncle all in the pursuit of some pipe dream to be successful at something. It would seem however that the system still hasn't caught up to individuals with non-visible disabilities. You are criticized and punished for having a disease that is beyond your control.
Today the community college called me and I was surprised to hear that the teacher was wondering why I hadn't been attending classes even though I had spoke with the school and they told me they had cancelled all my classes. I was planning on attending and was ready to pay for my credit hours when I ended up having to call to ask why my account was suspended. They told me it was because they hadn't fixed the status on my account after last semester where my financial aid was suspended and therefore I wouldn't be able to attend this semester and would have to wait till spring. The woman who called today to ask why I hadn't attended directed me to admissions office- where a very clueless woman informed me that my classes hadn't been shut down and that they would be charging me $300 for the full class even though I never attended (and hadn't paid a cent BTW) and that I wouldn't be able to attend classes at the school again until I paid that balance. I very politely told her to "Shove it" and that I wouldn't be paying them one cent and then had a short rant about the issues and displeasure I'd had while attending the school. The fact that they wouldn't accept my doctors notes, that when I signed up for disability services, it was a joke and wouldn't help me with my disability and then when I informed them that the next semester I'd be attending I would finally have my service dog. They gave me a hard time saying that they wanted to "discuss" my need for the animal and it's place at the school.
Today I did research on what is needed for me to transfer to the University and I'm started to seriously panic that I don't have the qualifications or resources to be able to be approved. If that doesn't work for me then I will be seriously f-ked.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Noro Armwarmer Pattern

Noro Armwarmer Pattern
By Antidaeophobia 
(Copyright 2011; Do not resell this pattern or finished armwarmer. For personal use only)

Knitter’s Note:
This is a very easy pattern to do and is easy to correct should you make a mistake as well as for beginners of double point needles and round needles. I prefer to begin this pattern on straight needles single ended. I have a hard time casting onto DPN needles with my arthritis and this way to start would also be helpful for new knitters

#6 Single Point Needles
#6 DPN or Round Needles
2 small needles or 1 stitch holder
1 Skein of Noro yarn (Kureyon, Furisode, Chirimen or Taiyo)
1 12in piece of scrap yarn (different color)
1 crochet hook

DPN- Double Point Needles
RND- Round Needles
K- Knit +number followed (Knit 36 = K36)
P-Purl +number followed (Purl 36 = P36)
K2tog- Knit 2 together
Inc- Increase by + number followed (Increase 2= Inc2)

~Start with straight needles~
Cast on 36
Row 1-6: K36 all
(Switch to DPN needles. Stitch two unconnected ends together to enclosed circle.)
Row 7-8: Knit all
Row 9: K20 (tie off yarn) (tie on scrap yarn) K8 (tie off scrap yarn- Remember this will be removed later.) (Retie on original yarn and finish row)
Row 10-22: K36
Row 23: K11, Inc1, K11, Inc1, K14 =38
Row 26-29: Knit all
Row 32: K13, Inc1, K12, Inc1, K13 =40
Row 33-36: Knit all
(Continue with 2 increases every 5 rows if needed for thicker arms.)
Row 37-42: Knit all
Row 43: Purl All
Row 44: Knit All
(Repeat rows 44 & 45 till row 48)
(Bind off and cut yarn)
(Turn arm warmer inside out- Remove scrap yarn from thumb and place even amount of stitches on the 2 small needles or stitch holder to prevent dropped stitches. Bind off stitches with crochet hook and colored yarn)
Bind off thumb yarn and you now have your new arm warmer- ready to wear and warm for your wrists.
{Repeat pattern for second armwarmer}

Washing Instructions:
To take the itchiness down on your Kureyon yarn I recommend hand washing and letting them soak in Woolite™. Roll in a towel to dry completely.
If you have skin sensitivity like I do then I'd recommend using some Noro™ Taiyo© or Furisode© which are mostly cotton and silk instead of the Kureyon© which is 100% wool.